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Carol’s Story

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carolCarol’s bequest will help people afford the health care they need

Carol Penson is a Southern gal who rides motorcycles and tells it like it is. When her husband Dan was struck by lightning in 2006, they had never been to a doctor before - which means they didn’t have insurance.

After being denied care by several providers, they went to Bon Secours.

“God is with everyone at Bon Secours, and I think He led us there,” said Carol. 

Dan’s care team not only saved his life, but helped him live comfortably for another six years after his accident. Dan and Carol decided to add Bon Secours in their will as a way to celebrate the compassionate care they received. 

“I still tear up thinking about it,” said Carol. “They were as good to Dan as if he had been a rich man. That’s why, when I die, they get everything. We give for people like us who couldn’t pay for it.”